Minot-Sleeper Library Phased Reopening: Curbside Available
The library is pleased to offer the services listed below as part of its phased reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that any or all of the services outlined below may be suspended or adjusted at any time. The library building will remain closed to the public at this time.
Returns are now accepted in the metal drop box outside the library's entrance
Curbside pick-up is now available Monday-Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday 10am-2pm
Borrowing Library Materials
The library is now loaning library materials through a curbside pick-up service. Library books, audiobooks, magazines, and videos may be borrowed by library cardholders in good standing. 20 items total, including 4 videos may be borrowed by each cardholder.
Request items and schedule a pick-up at least 24 hours in advance:
- Place a hold in your patron account
- Log in using the number on the back of your library card and your password at: https://minotsleeper.nhais.bywatersolutions.com/
(If you do not know your card number and/or password, please call the library at 603-744-3352.) - Select “Place Hold” on items you wish to borrow
- Under "Curbside Pick-up," you will be required to enter:
- Date and exact time you wish to pick up items (must be Monday-Friday 10am-6pm or Saturday 10am-2pm, preferably at least 24 hours after placing the request)
- If you are arriving by vehicle or on foot
- Make, model, and color of the vehicle you will be arriving in
- Select “Confirm hold”
- Log in using the number on the back of your library card and your password at: https://minotsleeper.nhais.bywatersolutions.com/
- You can also call 603-744-3352 or email [email protected] to request items. Please let us know:
- The title and author of the book, title of the video, and/or magazine title and month you wish to borrow. Note: There is a limit of 20 items, including a limit of 4 videos at a time.
- Date and exact time you wish to pick up items (must be Monday-Friday 10am-6pm or Saturday 10am-2pm, preferably at least 24 hours after placing the request)
- Make, model, and color of the vehicle you will be driving or if you will be arriving on foot or bike.
- Please arrive at the date and time you scheduled with the library. If arriving earlier or later than scheduled, please call 603-744-3352 or email [email protected].
- If arriving in a vehicle:
- Park in the parking lot next to the library’s main entrance
- Roll down the passenger side rear window. A librarian will place your items in the backseat through the open window.
- If arriving by foot or bike:
- Take your items from the table set up outside the library’s entrance
What is the library doing to make materials safe for me to borrow?
All materials returned to the library are quarantined for 3 full days, based on scientific research, then wiped down before being reshelved. Library staff take safety precautions, including wearing PPE when handling materials and continuously cleaning surfaces throughout the day.
Can I come into the library just for a few minutes to browse the shelves?
Unfortunately, not at this time. We miss having our library filled with community members! For the safety of all during this time, only staff will be allowed in the building at this time.
What if I don’t know what I want to read or watch, or what you have available?
Give us a call! Our librarians are happy to talk with you on the phone, by email, or in an online Zoom meeting to help make recommendations based on your interests and reading history.
Can I borrow items for friends and family?
Why not encourage them to sign up for their own library card? If they live in Bristol, Alexandria, Bridgewater, Danbury Hebron, Hill, Groton, or New Hampton they can sign up for a library card for no charge. To sign up, call 603-744-3352. If you’re still wondering if you can borrow items for others, be aware each cardholder may borrow up to 20 items at a time, including a limit of 4 videos. Patrons may choose to share these with friends and family, however, responsibility for overdues, lost, or damaged items will fall to the cardholder.
How will I know if my requests are ready to be picked up?
If you place holds online with your library account, you will receive an automatic email confirming the item(s) are ready. Please arrive at the time you requested, not immediately after you receive this email. If you place holds by sending an email to the library, you will receive an email response confirming the items will be ready for pick-up at the requested time. If you call to request items, a staff member will confirm over the phone at the time of the call.
Returning Library Materials
The library is now accepting the return of library materials, including books, audiobooks, magazines, and videos in the metal drop box outside the library’s front entrance. The staff will do their best to keep this receptacle clean, however, we do recommend washing your hands or using hand sanitizer after placing materials in the drop box.
Are there certain times you are accepting returns?
All the time! You can return items in the drop box at any time, whether the library is open or closed.
What if I have items to return but do not feel safe coming to the library at this time?
Please hold onto them. You can let us know that you would like to keep the items longer by calling 603-744-3352 or emailing [email protected].
Home Delivery Service
The library now offers home delivery service for any homebound individual who is a library cardholder and resident of Bristol, Alexandria, Bridgewater, Danbury, Hebron, Hill, Groton, or New Hampton. More information on this service and how to sign up can be found at: Home Delivery Service
Interlibrary Loan
The library is not able to accept or fulfill any interlibrary loan requests at this time. If you have items that were borrowed for you from another library, please return the item(s) in the metal drop box outside the library’s entrance.
Donations will be accepted Monday-Friday from 10am-6pm and Saturday from 10am-2pm by appointment beginning Wednesday, June 3. The library accepts books and movies in good condition. The library does not accept VHS tapes, music cassette tapes, or any items in poor condition.
Make a donation:
- Schedule a time to drop off your donations by calling 603-744-3352 or emailing [email protected]
- Bring your donations to the library’s back door by entering the driveway between Cumberland Farms and the library on Pleasant Street and parking near the door as you round the corner. Please leave donated items outside the wooden door.
- All donations should be delivered in boxes or bins that do not need to be returned and should not weigh more than 25 pounds each.
Museum Passes
Museum passes for venues that are currently open may be borrowed by patrons. At this time, we are offering passes to New Hampshire State Parks, Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Wright Museum of World War II. We will soon be offering passes to Squam Lakes Science Center. For more information on which passes are offered and what virtual resources are provided by venues currently closed, visit www.minotsleeperlibrary.org/museum-passes.html.
Reserve a Museum Pass:
- Reserve a pass by calling 603-744-3352 or emailing [email protected] with the date you wish to visit the venue. Please also provide the following for curbside pick up of the pass: Your name, contact information, make, model, and color of the vehicle you will arrive in at the library to pick up the pass or if you will arrive by foot or bike, and the day and time you wish to pick up the pass curbside at the library.
- Please arrive at the date and time you scheduled with the library. If arriving earlier or later than scheduled, please call 603-744-3352 or email [email protected].
- If arriving in a vehicle:
- Roll down the passenger side rear window. A librarian will place your items in the backseat through the open window.
- Park in the parking lot next to the library’s main entrance
- If arriving in a vehicle:
- If arriving by foot or bike:
- Take your items from the table set up outside the library’s entrance
Meeting Room
The library meeting room is not open to the public at this time. Nonprofits and community groups that wish to meet online may request to utilize the library’s online Zoom meeting space. To do so, email [email protected].
Butterfly Garden
The Butterfly Garden behind the library is open to the public. We ask that visitors follow CDC and New Hampshire Governor’s recommendations on social distancing and the use of masks. The picnic tables are available, and we ask that when used visitors take extra precaution, as they are not disinfected between use.
Copying, Printing, and Scanning Services
The library is now offering printing and copying services. To have a document printed, please call 603-744-3352 or email [email protected] to make a request and schedule a time to pick up the document. The file will need to be emailed to the library to be printed. To make copies, please call or email the library to schedule a time. A librarian will bring the document(s) inside, make the copies, and return the originals and copies to you outside. The cost for printing is 20 cents per black and white page or 40 cents per color page. These services and faxing are also available locally at Newfound Impressions, 20 Lake Street, Bristol (by the traffic light). Newfound Impressions is open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-3:30pm. Contact Newfound Impressions by calling 603-217-0050 or email [email protected].